Damian Orellana, Lithic Icoon pt. IX, 2022.


 Damian Orellana, Lithic Icoon pt. IX, 2022. 

    The icons presented above were created by Damien Orellana (https://dribbble.com/damianthebear), and he created an abundant variety of icons for Lithic. Lithic is a company that creates icons, logos, and other designs that can be purchased through the dribbble website. These icons were created in 2022 and are up for purchase. They vary in items, places, and figures but overall keep a consistent playful style to them. I looked more into Lithic's page on dribbble (https://dribbble.com/lithic) and saw that the overall theme for their designs is consistent to want I have above. The other style that they have is more like these however it contains black outlines to give a clearer view of what each item is along with giving more detail to it. 

    In this work right here it depicts a bunch of icons varying and types of objects activities etc. The overall style is consistent along with the colors. Primarily used would be green and orange along with a little bit of yellow, the colors that aren't as common would be blue and pink. Each icon contains many straight lines that are roughly drawn more of's if they are a sketch like I can't but I would still consider this to be flat style due to their being little to no detail were also using negative space as a way to indicate more to the icon. With their style, they use negative space to their advantage in order to give each icon more life. The icon that stood out to me was the island at the bottom right corner, they easily could have attached the palm tree to the island and also had the sun against a different background but instead used negative space to help separate everything and make it even more minimal. 
