Knutson. M, Iconsssss, 2013.

The next artist and their work(s) I wanted to look into was Morgan Knutson. Morgan is a Graphic Designer for Hire at Morgan Co. while also producing product designs for app icons, apps, and logos. He is the co-founder of and along with being on a team with Productboard. In his Dribbble Interview, he is featured for finding inspiration in unexpected places. Linked below is his dribbble account...

Knutson, Morgan, Iconsssss, 2011

In the PowerPoint provided to choose the style we want to focus on, it states, "Flat design is a current design style and trend, minimalist in nature, it was intentionally used in graphical user interfaces such as websites, web applications, and mobile apps." This is Knutson's piece titled Iconsssss. Within the piece, there are four different icons, one with food, a mouse and pencil, a bus, and a ping pong paddle with a cue and possibly a ping pong ball. I thought this would be a good piece to look into because to me it is very minimal, has no depth, consists of neutral tones, has straight lines, and uses negative space. I thought this would be a good example in the show of a different style of flat art and what else is sticking within the criteria. 
The PowerPoint also states, "although Flat design style itself would not make an appearance until the dawn of the digital age." The color palette for each icon has about 3 to 4 colors max it doesn't go any further than those four there is little to no detail throughout anything but enough detail to give the viewer an idea of what the item is. I also wanted to look into this piece mainly because compared to some of his other works this one stood out the most to me and was one where it seems like he wanted to try a different type of style and sway away from what he was usually doing. I also think that this piece gives a good example of what flat style looks like in a more digital aspect while also giving the opportunity to show what app icons can look like or what they have looked like.
